There have been no “rivers of blood” in Britain, but Enoch Powell and his racist thinking still find acceptance.

Alastair Sloan covers international affairs, politics and human rights for a variety of British newspapers and magazines.
There have been no “rivers of blood” in Britain, but Enoch Powell and his racist thinking still find acceptance.
Over many years a tacit pro-Kremlin consensus has developed in Westminster – across the political spectrum.
It turns out the sway Britain has with the United States was over-estimated by both PM Theresa May and Brexiteers.
The demise of the infamous UK-based PR agency came at the hands of the free market it dutifully served.
It’s time for ‘Leave’ campaigners to acknowledge and denounce the rise of Xenophobia and Islamophobia in Brexit Britain.
There is a link between the woeful Manchester attack and the dubious methods the UK used to help Libyans topple Gaddafi.
Now that Brexit is a reality, UKIP has to find another windmill to fight to stay relevant.
The UK government is trying to scapegoat Silicon Valley companies to hide its own intelligence and security failures.
Should Scotland and N Ireland leave the UK after Brexit, the term ‘Little England’ will really come into its own.
Given the toxic environment post-Brexit, and the historical record, rejecting child refugees is no wonder.