As conference on hunger opens in London, thousands die in the African country, moving from one crisis to the next.
Andrew Wander
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As displaced Somalis flee conflict and starvation, the crisis in Mogadishu continues to deepen.
Whatever the weather, world leaders can make extreme hunger a thing of the past, says writer.
Climate change is causing devastating droughts across East Africa – leading to an end of the pastoral way of life.
World leaders have four hours to save the lives of four million children at the Global Vaccinations Summit in London.
The revolution must not leave Cairo’s estimated 50,000 street children behind.
A unique project helps Afghan women writers find their voices amid instability.
An official user guide to the secret network from which the documents were taken shows leaks becoming ‘easier’.
How a trade deal being brokered between Europe and India could cut off the developing world’s supply of cheap medicines.
WikiLeak documents show how al-Qaeda only gained influence in the country after the US overthrew Saddam’s government.