Ashley Starr Kinseth

Ashley Starr Kinseth

Ashley S Kinseth is an international human rights lawyer and recent founder of the non-profit organisation Stateless Dignity Project. Ms Kinseth now f... ocuses primarily on the Rohingya crisis, which she has studied and worked on for over six years, and related statelessness and refugee issues.  Previously, Ms Kinseth worked with numerous international organisations, including the UN Office on the Prevention of Genocide, The Carter Center, and the International Senior Lawyers Project, among others. She is a graduate of Columbia Law School (JD), the Middlebury Institute for International Studies (MA), and New York University (BA), and is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Human Rights Law Journal.


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The Indian government has adopted attitudes similar to Myanmar’s towards the Rohingya.

Opinion by Ashley Starr Kinseth
Published On 29 Jan 2019
Rohingya in India Reuters