David Africa

David Africa


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As South Africa’s liberation movement turns 100, its faltering ideological condition puts its future into question.

Opinion by David Africa
Published On 9 Jan 2012
ANC Rally

The African National Congress, once a bastion of non-racism, has recently descended into racial politics.

Opinion by David Africa
Published On 23 Sep 2011
Julius Malema

As the liberation hero turns 93, elites like to view him as a ‘moderate’ rather than a supporter of armed struggle.

Opinion by David Africa
Published On 17 Jul 2011
Nelson Mandela

The people on the streets of Cairo got rid of their old enemy, Hosni Mubarak. Now they should be wary of new friends.

Opinion by David Africa
Published On 18 Feb 2011
Mubarak, Netanyahu, Obama, Abbas, Abdullah II in White House

Despite negotiations, the pro-democracy protesters in Egypt should play hard ball with the regime in all its avatars.

Opinion by David Africa
Published On 7 Feb 2011
Egyptian with face paint