Gareth Porter

Gareth Porter


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The most important factor in shaping US policy towards Iran is domestic politics – not Obama’s own geopolitical vision.

Opinion by Gareth Porter
Published On 4 May 2015
An anti-US mural painting outside the former US embassy in Tehran [AFP]

How did a false Iran nuclear narrative come to dominate global politics?

Opinion by Gareth Porter
Published On 17 May 2014

Iran has been developing nuclear capacities in order to obtain leverage in diplomatic talks with the United States.

Opinion by Gareth Porter
Published On 27 Apr 2012

The contradictions of Obama’s policy toward Iran went unnoticed in the US, but not in Iran and Israel, writes Porter.

Opinion by Gareth Porter
Published On 15 Feb 2012

Rabbani could not offer the Taliban the one condition needed for a peace agreement – the full withdrawal of US troops.

Opinion by Gareth Porter
Published On 26 Sep 2011
rabbani funeral