Israel has caused countless preventable deaths which are yet to be reflected in the official Gaza death toll.

Dr Ghada Ageel is a third-generation Palestinian refugee and is currently a visiting professor at the department of political science at the Universit... y of Alberta situated at amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton), Treaty 6 territory in Canada
Israel has caused countless preventable deaths which are yet to be reflected in the official Gaza death toll.
Constant attacks on al-Mawasi ‘safe zone’ make clear that Israel’s intention is to eliminate Palestinian existence.
Israeli Channel 14 aired her photo, claiming she was a ‘terrorist’. A few weeks later an Israeli missile killed her.
Israel’s mass slaughter in Rafah will not start with a ground invasion; it has already been taking place.
Those who survive Israel’s genocidal bombardment may not survive the sight of death and destruction it leaves behind.
Amid the rubble and pain of Gaza, stories emerge of Palestinian bravery and generosity.
Since I last wrote to you, Mr President, I have lost another 220 members of my extended family in Gaza.
I fear what an Israeli invasion would mean for more than a million displaced Palestinians sheltering in the city.
The horrors of Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians continue, even after the ICJ ordered it to stop.
The pain of Gaza’s orphaned children is unimaginable. In their name, we must act now to stop Israel’s genocide.