Kwoyelo is the first member of the Lord’s Resistance Army militia group to face trial in Uganda.

Kwoyelo is the first member of the Lord’s Resistance Army militia group to face trial in Uganda.
Can the ICC, established to investigate and try those accused of the world’s worst crimes, fulfil its role?
Kwoyelo, the only LRA commander to be tried for his crimes in Uganda, has been in detention since 2009.
Judges ruled that Ongwen was not under duress and acted independently at the time when he had committed the crimes.
ICC judges imprison ex-child soldier-turned-Lord’s Resistance Army commander for litany of war crimes in Uganda.
We investigate the sinister and mysterious murders of some of Uganda’s leading Muslim clerics.
Former commander in Joseph Kony’s LRA could face war crimes trial over atrocities, despite also being a victim.
Revolutionary video-sharing site marks a decade of life, but some question whether it has bettered humanity.
Illegal alcohol permeates Ugandan people and economy, exacerbating poverty and chronic illness among the population.
Lord’s Resistance Army commander known for brutality is the first from feared rebel group to appear before the ICC.
Dominic Ongwen, accused of crimes against humanity, takes stand at Hague-based court and thanks God.
Why does the West assume a tweet can fix Africa’s problems?
In one of the world’s hardest to reach locations, the Ugandan army conducts search and attack missions against the LRA.