Bermuda minister warns third hurricane of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season ‘is not a storm to be taken lightly’.

Bermuda minister warns third hurricane of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season ‘is not a storm to be taken lightly’.
Nearly 4,000 residents in the region have been moved to safety and six arrested for alleged sabotage, authorities said.
The new capital is the pet project of outgoing President Joko Widodo and is taking shape on the island of Borneo.
Drone footage shows the extensive damage from the worst wildfire in Greece this year.
A new NASA study suggests Mars contains an ocean of water underground, sparking conversations about human settlement.
People have been told to flee as an inferno threatens towns and hospitals around Athens.
Search for survivors under way after landslide at Kampala landfill engulfs people, animals and homes.
Protesters say they fear project by mining giant Rio Tinto would pollute water sources and endanger public health.
Researchers say the world is losing ‘one of our icons’ as human activity fuels temperature increases.
Mary Ofre and her local women’s group play an important part in protecting the Afi forests from illegal logging.
Phnom Penh says $1.7bn project economic as Vietnam worries it could be used by Chinese warships.
Community members are on a campaign to get international donors to defund their government and stop rights violations.
Eating insects may be healthier, cheaper and better for the environment than eating meat – what’s not to like?
A series of landslides caused by relentless rain have hit a hilly region in India’s southern state of Kerala.